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As I write this article, I feel we have had enough rain. Feel sorry for our Farmer friends, but know that somehow they will plant their crops and have a successful harvest. The crops will be good this year, I’m sure.

Not only is the motto “Hats off for the Kids” for the Shrine children, but also to the Committee Chairman (Mike and June) and members for the Potentate’s Ball. They did a spectacular job and I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as Sherri and I did. We hope you enjoy wearing your 2016 hats and visors. A big thank you to everyone who attended, it was greatly appreciated.

The Onions have come and gone. Thanks to Chairman Ron Harruff PP 33◦ and all who sold and purchased the onions this year. The cooperation between the different Clubs and Units in distributing the onions is what has always made it is a wonderful Temple Fundraiser. It has been around for a long, long time. It doesn’t really hurt that everyone seems to love eating the Vadalia
Onions. I do!

Next up, we went fishing during the CoHo, Salmon Derby. Get ready for my big fish story, we probably all have one about the big fish that got away. Sam Winbrenner and the members of the fishing committee made the trip enjoyable for all. If you missed it this year, try to participate next year, you’ll really enjoy the trip.

This Allah-Bi is for June and July, but we will try to keep you updated on future events. Don’t want anyone to miss out on an opportunity to help the kids and to also enjoy themselves during this time.

We have several events coming up in June and July
• Golf Outings (3) in June and (2) in July
• A parades (1) in June (2) in July
• Horse Show is in June

You will notice the Parade Maps in the Allah-Bi and we need you there to show “Mizpah” to everybody that does not know who we are. I would like to see all our Clubs and Units participating in the parades. We’re going to Columbia City, Wabash, Fremont, and Berne.

Deadline for rooms at GLSA in Indianapolis is June 1st. After that date there may not be rooms available, so call the Mizpah Office or Roger Weaver PP, with your plans for that event.

Don’t forget the Chili Cook-Off at the Horse Grounds on September 24th. Does your Club or Unit have the best Chili ever? Sounds like a lot of fun and good food will be had for all who come and enjoy this event.

After all this activity, are you ready for some FOOTBALL? We have arranged a bus trip going
to Bloomington, Indiana for an IU-PU game. The date is November 26th and the tickets will sell fast. Contact Chairmen Ron Buskirk and Rudy Mahara for further details for this exciting trip.

I hope I haven’t seen your name on our list about something like not paying your dues. I feel sure it’s an oversight and your name will be removed from this list as soon as you pay your dues. It won’t be on this list next month.

Sportsman’s Raffle Chairman Steve Cowan PP really appreciates you selling tickets for the event in September. Selling more tickets will make him even happier.

In Closing: In the May Allah-Bi there were two (2) deliberate mistakes, did you find them and not call the Mizpah Office? Try again for a free Lunch at Mildred’s Lounge.

Next time you see Paul Barker or Karen Kippert, let them know they are appreciated and remember all the hard work they do for the Nobility. Like Paul and Karen, the Divan is happy to work for you. Have a wonderful summer.

Jerry W. Freewalt, Potentate