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As I write this I can only reflect on two great events in late April and early May - the Spring Ceremonial and our first parade.

With 35 new Shriners joining us in the Ceremonial we can only consider it a great success. I was personally pleased to name Noble Larry Ashley as the Class Honoree.

I want to thank everyone who helped make it so. The Directors Staff, the Class Directors , our Aides, the Ceremonial Cast, Ben Kapp and the Media Unit, Dave Bowman and Bella, Scott Abbs, Ill. Larry Chapel, Ill. Don Scott, Brooks Targgart, Sara, Jessica and of course the Membership Committee and all the Nobles who brought us these new Shriners. As you can see it takes a lot of individual efforts to make this happen.Now all you first line signers get these new Nobles to our meetings and you new Shriners find a Unit or Club and get involved.

The second happening was our first parade, the Shipshewana May Fest Parade. What a thrill to parade before a very large crowd who genuinely seemed pleased we were there! Again, lots of people made this a success - all the parade units, Marcus Hardiek and some of the Directors Staff who organized the units and Ben Kapp for the pictures. In addition, the LaGrange County Shrine Club hosted a great Oasis at the LaGrange Legion.

Personally, I am looking forward to a wonderful parade season for Mizpah. What a great way to get us in front of our communities. Hopefully we can take advantage of these events as recruiting tools.

At our last Stated Meeting the decision was made not to participate in the 3 Rivers Parade. Consequently, we are working with Whitley County to participate in the Old Settlers Parade on June 27th, with an oasis at our horse grounds. This will keep us on course for one parade each month this summer. Watch for further details.

Now that summer is upon us we will be looking at Blue Lodges going dark. That makes it difficult to get candidates qualified for the Fall Ceremonial (November 7th). The Black Camel is hard to combat but with all our efforts, we can turn this shrinking trend our Temple has been suffering from for several years. Start now in your recruiting efforts and we can have another successful Ceremonial.

The First Lady is planning what promises to be a unique, educational, and fun Ladies Party on June 18th. I encourage all the ladies to attend and enjoy this very special event.

Finally, at the Stated Meeting, we presented Judy Klemm with a 100 Million Dollar Certificate as a way of recognizing her 14-plus years of service to Mizpah. In addition, Ill. Ron Harruff read a letter from Bob Cottner, Director of Development of the Chicago Hospital, recognizing her service and wishing her well. We can only join Bob in wishing Judy an enjoyable retirement and look forward to continue working with her at our Screening Clinics.

Lots of great events continue to be held at Mizpah. Come Home to Mizpah and enjoy them with us.

GW Soblotne, Potentate