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It sure feels like spring has finally come and with that said it's time to look forward to our parade season. To date the only parade we have on the schedule is Three Rivers July 12th. Should any club or unit desire Mizpah participation in their local parade, please get those requests to the Recorder as soon as possible. We need time to inform the nobility to put on their schedules.

With May comes the Annual Onion Sales. Your presale orders should have been placed by now and we are looking forward to the arrival of the sweet tasting onions. We have ordered extra onions over the presale amounts so please feel free to stop by and pickup any extras you need.

Mizpah's Annual Golf Outing is scheduled for June 25th. See the Allah Bi or contact Duane or Brooks Targgart for more information and tee times.

Mark your calendars for August 25th as the date of the Annual Fly-In Breakfast. This year's event will be the 69th, that adds up to a lot of eggs. Your attendance is greatly appreciated. The schedule is like always, set up on Saturday the 24th so please come out and help. It's surprising how fast things can be accomplished with the help of the Nobility. So please plan on helping we'll provide lunch for those who turn out.

This year's Potentate's Ball is scheduled for Saturday June 14th. Kathy and I are looking forward to spending a fun filled evening with all our Mizpah Nobles and Ladys. Please see the ad in this issue for details. We look forward to seeing you.

Steve Cowan, Potentate 2014