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It’s impossible to say how great our first month in
office has been as this article needed to be completed
by January 10th. We have had installation of the
officers who will represent the nobility for 2014, held
the unit head meeting, and met with the 2014 Aides.
We have a great Divan, all of whom are ready and
willing to work as a team for the well-being of all the
nobility. Completing the move to our new building,
setting up club and unit rooms, and continuing
uninterrupted business are all goals we hope to
accomplish in 2014.
Some of the other goals are:
Promoting camaraderie, fellowship and just plain
putting the fun into being a member of Mizpah.
Work towards this end begins with every noble and
the attitude we have dealing with everyday matters.
When considering what we want to accomplish,
where we want to be and how we are going to get
there depends on each and every one of us. Your
constructive input will be greatly appreciated. It is
not what is good for the individual, but what is good
for the entire nobility.
Your attendance at club/unit meetings and stated
meetings is one way to meet new people, reacquaint
with old friends, and renew the spirit of our
philanthropy for helping kids. Please attend our
stated meetings and your club or unit meetings. We,
as a divan, will work to make the stated meeting
informative and assist the clubs and units toward
making Mizpah membership have purpose.
Frugal use of funds
Our new home came about in great part due to the
high cost of operation, the extremely high cost of
utilities and building maintenance being the biggest
Your help with keeping the room temperatures turned
down and the doors closed when not in use will
help in this area. Building maintenance will be less,
simply from the fact everything is new with most
having warranties in the event of problems.
The sign that hung in the stairway at Berry Street
still has meaning: “One to replace and one to
grow” should continue to be our motto. We cannot
accomplish our philanthropic endeavors of our
hospitals, transportation, club and unit participation
without qualifying and creating new members.
This is a matter of the upmost importance to the
continued success of Mizpah Shrine as well as Shrine
Our Spring Ceremonial will be April 19th. Your help
is needed to find and attract qualified candidates.
The time is now. Talk to your lodge brothers; engage
those who you feel would make a good Shrine
member. Let them know what we have to offer and,
most importantly, follow up.
Please remember to attend February’s Stated Meeting
on February 5th. Dinner catered by Goeglein’s served
at 6:15pm with the meeting starting at 7pm
Steve Cowan
Potentate 2014
It’s impossible to say how great our first month in
office has been as this article needed to be completed
by January 10th. We have had installation of the
officers who will represent the nobility for 2014, held
the unit head meeting, and met with the 2014 Aides.
We have a great Divan, all of whom are ready and willing to work as a team for the well-being of all the nobility. Completing the move to our new building, setting up club and unit rooms, and continuing uninterrupted business are all goals we hope to accomplish in 2014.
Some of the other goals are:
Promoting camaraderie, fellowship and just plain putting the fun into being a member of Mizpah. Work towards this end begins with every noble and the attitude we have dealing with everyday matters. When considering what we want to accomplish, where we want to be and how we are going to get there depends on each and every one of us. Your constructive input will be greatly appreciated. It is not what is good for the individual, but what is good for the entire nobility.
Your attendance at club/unit meetings and stated meetings is one way to meet new people, reacquaint with old friends, and renew the spirit of our philanthropy for helping kids. Please attend our stated meetings and your club or unit meetings. We, as a divan, will work to make the stated meeting informative and assist the clubs and units toward making Mizpah membership have purpose.
Frugal use of funds
Our new home came about in great part due to the high cost of operation, the extremely high cost of utilities and building maintenance being the biggest factors.
Your help with keeping the room temperatures turned down and the doors closed when not in use will help in this area. Building maintenance will be less, simply from the fact everything is new with most having warranties in the event of problems.
The sign that hung in the stairway at Berry Street still has meaning: “One to replace and one to grow” should continue to be our motto. We cannot accomplish our philanthropic endeavors of our hospitals, transportation, club and unit participation without qualifying and creating new members. This is a matter of the upmost importance to the continued success of Mizpah Shrine as well as Shrine International.
Our Spring Ceremonial will be April 19th. Your help is needed to find and attract qualified candidates. The time is now. Talk to your lodge brothers; engage those who you feel would make a good Shrine member. Let them know what we have to offer and, most importantly, follow up.
Please remember to attend February’s Stated Meeting on February 5th. Dinner catered by Goeglein’s served at 6:15pm with the meeting starting at 7pm
Steve Cowan Potentate 2014
We have a great Divan, all of whom are ready and willing to work as a team for the well-being of all the nobility. Completing the move to our new building, setting up club and unit rooms, and continuing uninterrupted business are all goals we hope to accomplish in 2014.
Some of the other goals are:
Promoting camaraderie, fellowship and just plain putting the fun into being a member of Mizpah. Work towards this end begins with every noble and the attitude we have dealing with everyday matters. When considering what we want to accomplish, where we want to be and how we are going to get there depends on each and every one of us. Your constructive input will be greatly appreciated. It is not what is good for the individual, but what is good for the entire nobility.
Your attendance at club/unit meetings and stated meetings is one way to meet new people, reacquaint with old friends, and renew the spirit of our philanthropy for helping kids. Please attend our stated meetings and your club or unit meetings. We, as a divan, will work to make the stated meeting informative and assist the clubs and units toward making Mizpah membership have purpose.
Frugal use of funds
Our new home came about in great part due to the high cost of operation, the extremely high cost of utilities and building maintenance being the biggest factors.
Your help with keeping the room temperatures turned down and the doors closed when not in use will help in this area. Building maintenance will be less, simply from the fact everything is new with most having warranties in the event of problems.
The sign that hung in the stairway at Berry Street still has meaning: “One to replace and one to grow” should continue to be our motto. We cannot accomplish our philanthropic endeavors of our hospitals, transportation, club and unit participation without qualifying and creating new members. This is a matter of the upmost importance to the continued success of Mizpah Shrine as well as Shrine International.
Our Spring Ceremonial will be April 19th. Your help is needed to find and attract qualified candidates. The time is now. Talk to your lodge brothers; engage those who you feel would make a good Shrine member. Let them know what we have to offer and, most importantly, follow up.
Please remember to attend February’s Stated Meeting on February 5th. Dinner catered by Goeglein’s served at 6:15pm with the meeting starting at 7pm
Steve Cowan Potentate 2014
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